Monday, 30 April 2018

How to Update the Bigpond Webmail Contacts - Add, Del, Edit, and Block in the Account?

Bigpond webmail always tries its best to provide the best satisfaction services to its users, and Bigpond always gets 100% success rate in satisfying its users with its valuable services. But sometimes while using the Bigpond webmail account there can be some Technical issues or Errors which can halt the Ongoing performing task.

Similarly maintaining the contacts is another main aspect, but users always have some issues while maintaining the contacts, the maintaining of contacts is a very simple process. In this section, we will discuss the On Adding, Deleting, Editing, And Blocking the Contacts in Bigpond webmail. But still, if the user is having some issues, they can dial up the Bigpond Email Technical Support Toll-Free number for having the Support Services.

The very first step in marinating the Bigpond Webmail Contacts is

Adding New Contacts

1) First, Power On your Computer and establish the stable Internet Connection.

2) Make a login to your Bigpond mail account with your authentic mail id.

3) After making a login in the account, go to Contacts option or make a search with a name With CONTACTs in the search box.

4) Now after selecting the Contacts choose the “Add new” section.

5) Now fill the brief form with regarded association question with it like phone number, email address, and other details of the user.

6) After that Press “OK” to complete the process.

Editing or Deleting Existing Bigpond Mail Contact

1) To make an edit in a contact name move the cursor the name on which user want to make an edit or any other updating on Bigpond Webmail contact name.

2) Now a user can easily edit or update the various details of that person.
Now just click on “Save Changes” and then press “OK” to save the various changes.

3) However, if you want to delete any contact then choose the name that you want to delete after press the “Delete” button.

Blocking People

1) If you want to block an annoying contact, you can even do this by blocking that contact name.

2) Select the contact that you want to make the block after that, you need to click on “block” option and that contact name will be getting blocked.

By following the above instructions, a user can easily the Add, Del, Edit and Block any contact easily, but sometimes it need special technical knowledge to dispose of the issues in that case user can dial the Bigpond Email Technical support toll-free number.


  1. Nice Post
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